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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 05/19/09

May 19, 2009 Meeting
Site Walk - 244-006 - 22 High Street - John & Wendy Dunlap
New Cingular Wireless (AT&T) File #2009-01ZBA

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey   Doug Crafts            John Giffin     
John Kendall                    Peter Moore              Frank Scales                           
Members & Staff Absent:         Ron Haggett             Don Winchester  
Public Attendees:               Shelly Nelkens  Jesse Lazar             Molly Moore-Lazar
Leslie Bernardi         Mrs. Bernardi           Peter Burwen            Maureen Watts
Connie Vandervort               Bonnie Achterhof        Tony Koban              Atty Doug Wilkins
Shannon Mc Manus                John Dunlap                      
7:00 Review Session:    
        Review Period
        Appointment of alternates to sit for absent member – not necessary
7:15 Public Hearing:

        New Cingular Wireless, PCS (AT&T) 2009-01ZBA , Map 244 Lot6, 22 High Street

Chair Kendall opened the meeting at 7:15, and immediately addressed the quorum issue. There were only three ZBA members present (although another member was expected). Chair Kendall asked Attorney Wilkins if he wished to continue, as he had the right to a five-voting member Board. Attorney Wilkins said that he wished to continue. Chair Kendall asked Attorney Wilkins to present his agenda for the meeting.

Attorney Wilkins said that his agenda was short. He had several items to discuss.

  • FAA information from April 17, 2009 letter which stated that New Cingular Wireless, LLC  has complied with the necessary components
  • The Radio Frequency Engineer Independent report – Attorney Wilkins has reported all requested information to the independent evaluator
  • 3. Independent Realty Appraisal – Attorney Wilkins said that he did not feel an appraisal made sense because the cell tower is not in place. There was a short discussion concerning an         independent appraiser. Chair Kendall said that the Planning Staff had discussed an independent appraisal from a man recommended by the Department of Revenue Administration staff. That a proposal had been submitted. Attorney Wilkins requested the proposal.
  • Environmental Impact Study – Shannon McManus (site evaluator for AT&T) said that AT&T has a study in process. She said that the studies take awhile, but that she will check when the Impact Study will be completed. Chair Kendall asked if it were a usual process for a Board to ask for an Impact Study.
  • Schedule a balloon test
        June 9 (weather permitting) -Time 12:00 pm – 8:00 - ZBA and Staff will meet at the
             driveway entrance to the 22 High Street home                   
       June 10 (weather date) pm June 16, 2009Next scheduled meeting at Town Hall

Chair Kendall opened the meeting to questions from Public Attendees. He began with abutters.

Peter Burwen – 11 Maple Avenue –handout for Public Documentation (Abutters Observations from site walk of May 5, 2009 of Proposed PWSF at 22 High Street, Antrim, with Virtual Map of neighborhood and an ‘Environmental Impact Sheet from DES – “Clues to Identifying Forested Wetlands).
Mr. Burwen stated that he felt that his property value would be affected by the knowledge of an existing cell tower located in the neighborhood. Each town is individual and because of that an environmental impact study would be necessary. In reference to the site walk, Mr. Burwen said that some ZBA members had walked back to the Dunlap home site by way of the proposed cell tower road. Mr. Burwen had seen ledge in the center of the proposed road, and he felt that blasting would be necessary. The construction necessary would be a major concern for the abutters. The road would parallel High Street and could be clearly seen at certain periods of the year. Mr. Burwen also hoped that the ZBA Board members had seen the standing water in various locations of the 22 High Street property and the surrounding properties. He felt that the ZBA should consider the access road, the topography of the area, and that each parcel would affect another. The fact sheet that Mr. Burwen had submitted as part of public documentation would give clues to identifying forested wetlands.

Connie Vandervort – 9 Maple Avenue – handouts for Public Documentation ( 1. President Obama  2. Atlantic Flyway (2 articles) Ms. Vandervort expressed her concern for the migration of certain birds that are noted in the Antrim area. She explained the hawk count done on Pack Monadnock and the numerous birds that have been recorded on the counts. The nighthawk was also mentioned. Ms. Vandervort said that two well-known birders Don & Lillian Stokes who had moved to the Hancock area because of the biodiversity of birds present in the area.

Maureen Watts – 11 Maple Avenue – Ms. Watts read from portions of Peter Burwen’s (her husband) handout and expressed her concern for the proposed cell tower.

Leslie Bernardi – 9 Maple Avenue – Ms. Bernardi said that the utility road will go directly behind the homes of numerous homeowners and that the property lines should be clearly checked. She also requested that a property appraisal be completed.

Chair Kendall asked if any non-abutters would like to speak. The following spoke:

Shelly Nelkens – North Main Street  - Ms. Nelkens said that she was confused that the balloon test would be occurring when the trees are leafed. She was also concerned by the tree chart (Drawing #A3-BOS-2445-T01) Were the calculations made considering diameter or circumference?

Chair Kendall said that the average tree canopy will be addressed again when the Radio Frequency engineer has made his report.

Attorney Wilkins said that he had wanted the balloon test to occur earlier, but that had not occurred.

Bonnie Acherhtof -  7 Prospect Street - Ms. Achterhof stated that she is very concerned about the environmental impact for the neighborhood, property devaluation, the sound emanating from the facility, and the health concerns. She wondered what it would be like on a quiet summer night with the sound of the cell tower.

When all had spoken, Chair Kendall asked if any others who had not spoken would like to speak, for or against. Mr. Burwen has information to add.

Peter Burwen, 11 Maple Avenue – Mr. Burwen discussed the decibel factor. He has been involved in the rock business for many years. He said that 50 dbls could be heard( in the neighborhood) during the night time hours. The neighborhood has ‘dead quiet’ now, but the cell tower would be heard and would be noticeable as a constant hum.

Chair Kendall asked if there were any questions from the Board.

Mr. Giffin moved to continue the meeting to the June 9, 2009 balloon test and then to the June 16, 2009 Town Hall meeting. Mr. Scales seconded the motion and all approved.

At 7:55 pm, a short recess was taken.
Business Meeting:
        Approve the minutes of the May 5, 2009 meeting – Mr. Giffin moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Crafts seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved by the Board.
        Approve the minutes of the May 12, 2009 meeting – Mr. Scales moved to approve the minutes with the correction of “1/4 “ outside the Right of Way” in the ‘conditions of approval’ of the Notice of Decision of May 12, 2009 File # 2008-18ZBA.
        Zoning Board Roster – The newly appointed members should contact the Town Clerk to be sworn in.

At 9:20, Mr. Crafts moved to adjourn the site walk. It was seconded by Mr. Giffin, and approved by all.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Chauncey, Planning Assistant,